Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Easter is a busy time even in Latin America. The businesses here close down, some for the whole week before. Some of the people use the time to visit family, some travel, others are involved in church related activities. The celebration of the Easter Bunny is not a big deal here like in the states though. And finding Easter candy is pretty much a joke. It is the same candy that they have out any other time. We decided last year to try & find something fun to do with the boys each Easter that would be fun. Of course we discussed the Easter story, but what would be fun to do in the afternoon? We decided that we would fly kites! Last year that proved successful so back we went to the same park that is know for kite flying. The boys had fun with their kites & with eating snacks during our adventure! It was a great day as we played together & remembered the sacrifice of our Lord. Here we are in the park. Last year I posted a photo of the boys with Chris so this year it was my turn! (ha) And for those that are wondering... it took quite a few takes to get all 3 boys looking decent & not making crazy faces or ridiculous gestures!

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