I mentioned in the previous post that we went to Sanare. What I didn't mention was that Sanare is located higher up in the mountains. All 3 of our boys started having car sickness when we were in Costa Rica due to the bumpy, windy roads. Now that we are in Venezuela, the trend has continued. On our way up the mountain Imanuel began to say things like "Mommy, my tummy hurts!" and "I don't feel so good!" He turned white as a sheet of paper. Finally when he couldn't hold it any longer..... he tossed his cookies! We immediately stopped & I cleaned him up. Luckily I had a change of clothes for him in the truck. Ironically enough when we looked across the street... we were exactly in front of the church we were trying to find. Chris said, "Wow, what a blessing that Imanuel got sick! We found the church!" Imanuel however did not see the humor in thinking that God made him throw-up! We explained what his Daddy meant & then he calmed down. He slept on my lap throughout the service.
Afterwards, the pastor said we would be going across the street so the kids could play in the park. Across the street REALLY meant 30 minutes further up the mountain! On the way up, Imanuel started turning colors again & when we arrived at our destination.... yep, you guessed it! Poor little guy was sick again! He finally felt better & played a bit.
On our way back down the mountain on the trip home he did okay for awhile & then.... he was nauseous again! This time his "cookies" went down the side of our truck as he stuck his head out the window. We pulled over & cleaned him up a third time.
Finally, we made it back to Barquisimeto. We had pulled into the development that we live in. We were almost ready to turn onto our street when he said, "MOM!!!!!!!!" My response was, " Imanuel... we are home now, on level ground! It will be okay!" But apparently his little stomach did not agree with me. His fourth "cookie spill" occurred on the road just in front of our house.
Poor Imanuel has learned lots of things here in Venezuela. But the most memorable for awhile will be that he is NOT a fan of mountain trips!
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