Sunday, March 21, 2010

What is Dedication?

Our family was invited to visit the city of Sanare on Sunday. It was a great service as Chris preached & we made lots of new friends. While we were there we witnessed a baby dedication. This isn't anything new or unusual. After all, we have baby dedications back home all the time. I have seen several here in Venezuela... But this one really grabbed my heart. Pictured is a very young girl, the pastor, his wife, & a very tiny little boy. As the pastor prayed & blessed this child, the mother began to cry. Then it hit me! When we dedicate our babies at home, most of the time we are surrounded by family. Often, there is a Mom & a Dad that will be raising the child together & the experience is a happy one filled with flowers, photos, & even a special lunch in a favorite restaurant. But this time it was different. On the platform, stood a young woman. As she dedicated her baby to God...she did so because God was all she had to turn to. There was no husband there to hold her hand. As the pastor spoke over the Mother & baby, this young woman began to cry because she realized that this child's sole survival was up to her. She had no where to turn but to her heavenly Father. Most likely this girl lives with her mom, grandmother, & any other siblings in a small simple home. She knows that her future will be to work in whatever way possible to care for this baby. Her church family will be this child's support base & her God... her Heavenly Father, will be his Daddy. What an amazing description of the word "Dedication". Completely reliant on God to provide our needs.

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