Friday, December 18, 2009

Let it Snow!

Since August, Imanuel has prayed for a white Christmas. He told me he wanted to see snow. He will be 5 next month & has no real idea of what snow actually looks like. He asked me if it would snow & I told him that he would need to pray & ask Jesus for snow because it was nothing I could control. He went through the next few months randomly praying for snow when he thought about it. When we arrived in NC he asked me where the snow was at? I told him that it wasn't time yet. Sure enough, on the 18th... the skies were gray, the wind was extra chilled, & as lunch approached the snow began to fall. Not just a little bit, but large fluffy snow flakes. I told the boys," Look, Jesus made it snow!" Imanuel said very calmly..."Yes Mommie, Jesus hears us when we pray!" How precious & how wonderful for him to know that Jesus hears his prayers. To some snow is a pain that causes mud & delays, but to Imanuel, snow will forever be the gift that he received from Jesus because he simply asked. We hope this Christmas season finds you all well & reminded of how much Jesus loves each of you!

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