Friday, December 18, 2009

Check-Ups, Shots, & Pizza

We have been so blessed since Isaiah was a small baby to have the most amazing pediatrician. God sent us to her when we had no where else to go & it was truly a gift. She has treated our children their entire lives & has become a very dear friend. Even though we live in Venezuela we schedule our check ups with her when we are in the states. This year was no exception. And the visit was just in time since Isaiah had developed a double ear infection & Imanuel bronchitis from the change in weather. Unfortunately for Imanuel, he had to have 3 vaccinations as well. He is just relieved that he is set now until he turns 10! Our visit was pleasant, except for the shots. A little later we joined up with Dr. Stein & her daughter for a time to share & have some pizza. We always love our visits with Dr. Stein. It is so amazing how God provides for you along the way exactly how you need. You never know when you too might be a gift in someone else's life.

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