Thursday, September 3, 2009

Something is "Fishy" Around Here!

As I mentioned before, we were able to travel to the city of Mérida. On the way home, we were several hours into the trip & rains began to fall. The rains got heavier & the mountain passes started to flood with debris & rocks. Finally we reached a curve in the road where traffic had stopped. People were out in the pouring rain warning others to turn around because there had been a giant mudslide a few hundred feet around the corner. At this point we had 2 options.... we could turn around & drive 4 hours back up the mountain & an additional 8 hours on a different path to get home, or we could stay the night in a nearby hotel & try again in the morning. Since it was already getting dark & the rains were still heavy, we opted for plan B. We found a very nice hotel to stay in that was literally called "The Blue Trout" but in spanish of course. Since the hotel was so expensive we opted to not eat at the hotel restaurant. We got in the truck & drove about a mile to a small strip of town. There, we found a "hole in the wall" restaurant. We are use to these since they are everywhere. This one served sandwiches kind of like subs & chicken, fish, and other typical foods. It was somewhat dark with bad lighting. Ian needed to potty and the door to the bathroom was right beside my chair. I was a little nauseated when Ian had no soap or water to wash his hands after his bathroom experience & I had forgotten my hand sanitizer in the hotel. Normally, I am not the type to go crazy over things like this but if you had seen what I did, you would understand my concern. We walked backed to the table (the whole step back) & I was thanking God for Ian's Hepatitis A & B vaccinations. As I sat down I noticed this goofy expression on Chris's face. When I looked at my food there was this fish head (complete with eyes) staring back at me! I screamed & jumped all at the same time. I thought that Chris & Jersy would never stop laughing!!! Don't get me wrong, I know that here, when fish comes it most always will be complete with head & tail. But after the long day we had already had, I made the assumption that since everything else was sandwiches... the fish would be too. The lesson learned here.... NEVER again order fish! I was just thankful that Ian & Imanuel had fried chicken. Isaiah also had fish. He enjoyed every bite while he played with the head on his plate. Boys can be so gross!

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