Friday, January 1, 2010

Sick Babies & Toothless Grins

Well, the previous posts pretty much summed up our time in the states. We saw family, went to Wal-Mart, ate at several favorite restaurants, stopped by a few Star bucks, and saw several friends. Not to mention the plane travel & let's not forget... THE TRAIN!!! I think that was an experience that I could live the rest of my life without repeating!
As I said in the last post, our boys were very sick... especially Imanuel. He has asthma so he tends to have a harder time with colds & viruses. Our New Years Eve ended around 1:30 am & we were sitting in the hotel waiting area at 3:00 am. My poor boys looked terrible. They fell asleep sitting on the couches, in the van on the way to the airport, and in every step of the process while in the airport lines! We were thrilled that everything got checked in & we had no weight limit issues. This is very exciting to missionaries that always travel with lots of luggage. The line to do the security screening took forever. The boys kept falling asleep. Finally, Ian started screaming, but with a scream of partial excitement. We looked down & he was holding his tooth in his hand. He asked me if I had any water! Of course I said, "NO". I had nothing in that line except for lots of carry-ons, coats, & kids. But I am quite sure that we will always remember the loss of that very special tooth.
We did get through the line & proceeded to run to catch our plane that was waiting on us. We were at the airport almost 3 hours early. Just imagine if we had been any later! We prayed the whole trip as our boys coughed uncontrollably the whole trip. They sounded like a choir because when one calmed down, the other started. It was like one continuous cough. We had fear that we would be questioned in the airport in light of all the flu & virus problems in the world. But God was with us & we made it through all of the airport "fun" safely. It was a great adventure going home, but it was nice to be back & settled into our home in Venezuela! And after about 2 more weeks of coughing & crud... our boys were back to normal.

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