Sunday, September 20, 2009

Are You Ready for Some Football?????????

In Costa Rica a group of our friends all got together to create a guy's Fantasy Football league. It was fun for the guys to hang out & have something fun to talk about other than spanish. Now, we are all spread out in many different countries all over Latin America & even Texas. The league decided to continue even through the distance. It is amazing that through technology, friends can even play football together. All of them gathered around their computers in whichever country that they are living in & chatted together as they drafted their players.

It is so wonderful to have friends all over the world all working for a common purpose... to glorify God. It is also amazing that even through distance, God has allowed many of us to have wonderful friendships. Pictured above is the team logo for Chris's team. The best part of all was dressing the boys up & watching them act tough & scary! This team, though just for fun, has brought smiles to both the big boys & the little ones!

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