Sunday, August 23, 2009

El Profesor

Anyone in Venezuela who feels the call of missions on their life must first complete a 3 year time of study in Bible College. After that they spend 1 month every 3 months for the next year in school of missions classes where they learn about lots of different missions related topics. In the end they prepare & present a project for a group of evaluators. Once they have been approved through the missions office they meet with the National President of the Assemblies of God in Caracas. It is a very long process but when all approvals are met, they graduate from the AG Bible school here with a technical certificate of sorts. All that being said, Chris was invited to be one of the teachers for this round of school of missions. His topic was about marriage, family, & cultural adjustment to the field. We kind of thought that was funny since we are always finding ourselves & our family in a constant state of cultural adjustment. But Chris did great & really ministered to those in his class. It was said that you don't have to be a master of a language to master a topic & make clear communication. If Chris is nothing else... he is most definitely a communicator that loves people. It was however quite a fun experience to tease him when the students respectfully started calling him "Profesor" or Profe" for short. This is a title that I don't think he ever expected to have but I think he has proven to carry it well.

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