Wednesday, July 15, 2009

3 Little Pieces of Candy

Many times we have been sitting in a public place like a restaurant and various people would come by & place things on our table.  Usually it is candy, ink pens, book marks, or anything that might bring a few cents to the owner if sold.  The other day Chris & I were sitting in a mall drinking a Pepsi before we tackled grocery shopping while my Mom had the boys.  A young boy who was about 12 came by & placed these 3 strawberry candies on our table as so many others had in the past.  He laid them down, walked off quickly & proceeded to do the same on 4 or 5 more tables which is the normal routine.  He waited a few moments & came back around.  The idea is that if you take the item, you are planning to give him some amount of money in return.  If not, you leave the items alone & he comes back & takes them without even making eye contact.  This has happened many times before but this time I actually paid more attention because my kids weren't with me.  Chris & I watched with much intrigue.  Who was this child?  Where did he live?  was this the only income his family would receive?  Maybe this was just his way to make extra money!  Regardless of the answers, we were reminded of how blessed we are to be here to help make a difference in the lives of hurting people that seem to have no hope.  It is for people just like that boy that we are here in Venezuela.  Thank you for your prayers & support!  And for those of you that are wondering.... we did buy his candy!

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