Thursday, July 16, 2009

Booger Fruit

While my mom was here visiting we tried to give her as many new experiences as possible.  One of our favorite was when we introduced her to "Booger Fruit."  The name of the fruit here in Venezuela is actually "Parchita."  When we were in Costa Rica, the fruit was much slimier & sweeter.  But here we have found it to be much tangier.  Most people here use it in juices.  They put it in a blender without blending up the seeds.  Then they use a strainer to separate the liquid from the seeds.  Water is added to dilute it & most people add sugar so that it is sweet enough to drink.  Chris loves this juice!  And for those of you that know me & my "picky preferences" where food is concerned, I will admit that the juice is pretty good.  Because of the sliminess of the fruit mixed with the seeds, many people affectionately refer to this fruit as "Booger Fruit" or "Sweet Snot".  Neither sounds very appetizing though!  It was quite fun to watch my Mom's face as we opened up the fruit.  We let her have a little taste of the slime first & then proceeded to make some juice.  I am quite sure it is an experience she will never forget!

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