Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Father's Day was a busy day!  We attended a church where Chris was asked to preach about being a father.  He always finds that subject difficult.  How do you pick a text & tell others about being a good father without analyzing yourself & your relationship with your own children?  It is one of those subjects that just makes you think.  Well, as far as the preaching part goes... Chris did well & was well received.  In regards to the self assessment part... I think Chris feels that he fails miserably.  I however, think that Chris does quite well with his 3 boys.  Our life has been filled with lots of craziness, adjustments, deployments, & other various things, But all of those things have prepared us for this very moment.  We have become the people we are now because of those experiences in our lives.  We are blessed to have such a special man in our family.  He is a precious husband & loves his boys very deeply.  We just want to publicly acknowledge Chris & let him know that we think he ROCKS!

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