I have been trying to check things off of my mile long "to do" list. Yes... I am one of those people that always makes lists! (it's one of the things my husband loves about me! ... ok... maybe love is the wrong word! ) I figured since I was going to be home for several days it was a good time to get started! While going through some recent pictures I saw a few from the past 2 weeks that I simply had to share!
We have been studying dinosaurs, pyramids, & mummies over the past weeks in school. The pyramid actually took its design from the ziggurat. The most well known ziggurat was the Tower of Babel mentioned in the Bible. The boys enjoyed using legos to make their very own ziggurat!
And as I have mentioned before, we have been on a mission to rid the world of mice... at least the ones in MY HOUSE! Below is a picture of Chris holding our one & only trophy mouse.
The next picture completely cracked me up! I told Ian to read his book. When I looked outside he had taken string & tied his book to a pole in the garage. What you do not see is the skateboard under his feet! He would ride by a few time... stop & read... and then ride off again! It was classic Ian doing what he does best... being uniquely him!
Last weekend we were honored to be a part of a missions weekend at a local church. This particular church always treats us well & welcomes our family. Chris & a Venezuelan missionary (currently home ministering) shared in a series of workshops & services. Below is a great picture of Chris doing one of the things that he loves most... sharing about missions!

The church even honored our family with a special plaque & gifts. The boys are smiling big! They LOVE getting presents!
Their gift was matching soccer jerseys! Below they are pictured with their new friend Yilber. They took a special liking to him since he is a "special treasure" like their Aunt Beth & he is Deaf... something they are all very familiar with because of me & their Nana & our work with the Deaf community.
After church that day, we rushed home to check on our new family member, Leo. Ian is one happy little boy to finally have a pet to share his love with!
The next picture is very special! Isaiah has wanted to play baseball for 4 years. Finally, after all of this time, we have found a baseball school for him to play that is safe. This school is just that... a school dedicated to training boys for the big leagues! There is no such thing as a rec league where young boys just play & have a good time. Though it will be a challenge, I am confident that Isaiah will rise to the occasion! He is very excited about his new opportunity!
And last but not least... I had a hankering today to make fried apple pies like my grandma & aunt use to make. This was my first attempt at recreating this cinnamon apple filled treat & I think it proved quite successful! My family back home would be impressed!
Well, that's just a few of the things that have been going on in the life of the Nelsons. I hope you enjoyed our little photo trip today!
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