Accomplishments of Penguin-Sized Proportions!....
I am on a mission to accomplish my "to do" list! Unfortunately, new task keep adding themselves to my list without permission! I am now thinking that this list may never be completed. But, I am choosing to be positive & at least make an attempt to cross things off of my little checklist.
It gives me little burst of adrenaline to know that I can cross off that sentence or check off that word. It is amazing how time consuming a simple word can be. For example...
LAUNDRY (with 5 people this can often be the most time consuming!)
Such small simple words with such enormous, time consuming meaning!
I know I posted about Imanuel's birthday already, but in January one of my task on my to do list was "BAKE A CAKE!" Simple as that might sound, cake decorating is right up there with root canals & family photos! But my baby wanted a penguin cake so I set out to tackle my task with great heart & love.
I needed a little more gratification than making a check mark this time so I posted a picture of my accomplishment! It is amazing what we will do no matter how difficult or time consuming for those we love!
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