Findings in Pennsylvania....
Our life has always been an adventure. This week, our adventures have taken us to the state of Pennsylvania. I have seen signs for Hershey & Lancaster, visited Valley Forge Christian College, & plan to at least see Valley Forge Military College since that is where my man went to school. And for those who know me the best, YES, I have seen the sign for QVC Studios! I didn't get to go to the store though...*total sadness*. But have no fear, I will put it on our list for our next Pennsylvania trip!
I also have somehow managed to lose my one & only pair of brown "everything" shoes. How crazy! How is it possible for me to keep up with EVERYTHING while traveling with my boys, but the one time I travel without them.... I lose my shoes! Complete Insanity! Oh well, I guess that means I have another reason to go shoes shopping! (Definite silver lining) But just so you know, I miss my boys... and my shoes!
The past few days, Chris & I have been traveling & hanging out with some really great missionaries who have all come together to discuss the missions experience known as ENGAGE. With ENGAGE a college student will have the opportunity to pursue an accredited college education, gain a global view, immerse in a cross-cultural setting, receive hands-on experience & reach the lost. What a fabulous opportunity for any student! We are excited to be coming along with this amazing group of people to allow students this experience in Venezuela. How cool is that? More details will follow in the months to come. Let's put students' feet on the ground overseas & let them clarify the call that God has placed on their lives. Remember, it's not about the type of shoes you wear... it's about your desire & willingness to get your feet dirty. God will supply you with the right shoes!
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