Well, our long awaited event has happened. Actually, it wasn't long awaited at all... since bunnies reproduce at an alarmingly FAST rate! Fresa welcomed into the world 5 little babies near the end of October. We watched them grow (very quickly I might add!). There were 2 white, 2 light brown, & 1 dark brown. It has been so neat watching them grow over the past month. We decided that we wanted to avoid any future bunny surprises so our plan was to find a new home for Fluffy since he was the culprit in the first place. So just over a week ago, Fluffy left along with 1 small bunny. Many tears were shed that we were getting rid of Fresa's husband & baby! How could we be so horrible??? For our poor children, change is so difficult because it happens to them way more than the average. We have homes lined up for 2 more and somehow, one got out & ran away. As cute as he was I am confident that he was found by a neighbor & is probably living just fine a few houses away. That brings our pet total from 2 cats & 7 rabbits down to 2 cats, 1 mama rabbit, & 3 bunnies (2 will leave next week with their new owners).

We were feeling pretty good about our little pet family. It was a nice experience but now we were going to be back down to 2 bunnies & 2 cats which is more than plenty! Then it happened....... Fresa started pulling her hair out & digging frantically! I scratched my head, sighed, & then told Chris that we would be having more bunnies! Literally 2 days later, Fresa welcomed into the world ANOTHER litter of baby bunnies! Are you kidding me??? I thought we solved that problem! Do you remember the part where I said that they reproduce quickly??? Well, let's just say that's not a joke! So far, our new bunnies are growing in a clay pot in the back yard. (it's really a tiny patch of grass but saying "yard" just makes it feel bigger!) We are still unsure of the number since every time we try to count they move. We are guessing between 6 & 8. We found one that was small & had died during birth I guess. So this mama bunny has had quite the experience to say the least!
So now, we have to find more bunny homes! As Charlie Brown would say... "Good Grief!" I will post some pictures once they are big enough to come out of the nest & move around. I will admit that they are quite cute! I never thought that we would have bunnies, let alone this many! But rest assured that Fresa is doing fine & that Chris is spoiling her rotten. She is his baby!
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