Friday, February 26, 2010

Addition or Multiplication?

For those of you that know my husband, I thought that you might get a little enjoyment from this photo. My husband that LOVES adventure, eats any kind of rare & unusual food, loves experiencing different cultures, & thrives off of his ability to be relational to all people.... well, he is sitting at a desk doing paperwork! I know it is quite shocking. Don't get me wrong, he still loves all of those other things, but he has learned that God can even use the paperwork to make a difference! His motto (or at least one of them) has always been... "Why add when you can multiply??" God is using Chris (and even the paperwork) to provide resources to pastors & missionaries that are going all over the place to share the gospel. Why leave it up to one person when so many can be involved? God is definitely a God of multiplication! Now if I could just get Isaiah to figure out how to multiply! I think we'll leave that for a different day!

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