Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Imanuel!

We have been blessed with 3 very special, yet very different, little boys. Each has their own gifts, talents, & craziness that makes them stand apart from the other. God was quite gracious with us when he blessed our family with Imanuel 5 years ago. Imanuel came at a time when we needed to be reminded that God was still with us. We needed to feel the peace of God as we re-adjusted from Chris's time over seas with the military & the distance that was created with the other 2 boys as a result of the deployment. If you had asked us at the time, we would have said that the timing of the pregnancy could have been a little better if it had been at another time since I became pregnant days after Chris returned home from a 15 month deployment. But God is in control of everything & his time is indeed perfect. Imanuel was exactly what we needed & he came right on time. He is our calm natured, sweet, cuddly comedian. Not a day passes when we do not laugh at something he says or does. Chris is convinced that Imanuel will be a children's pastor one day! He has a love for people & life & his imagination never stops working. He can be amused for hours with something as simple as a paperclip that can become a boat, plane, or anything else that he is thinking about at the moment. It is hard to believe that our "baby" is already 5 years old! How time does fly! So this post is to simply say... Happy Birthday to my Sweet Love! In this picture he is posing with his Backyardigan's piñata. He decided he didn't want to hit it & mess it up. Instead we sat it in his room for him to look at.... it is still there a month later & probably will continue to be until Ian gets bored & decides it needs to be shredded! (ha ha)

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