Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Chris has had the opportunity to enter one of the prisons here in Venezuela. We have mentioned this once or twice before. The ministry is growing & the inmates are thrilled to learn more about Jesus through materials that are being provided to them from Global University Venezuela. This picture shows Chris with these men & their new copies of "Su Bibla", a study guide to use with the Bible.

Chris always enjoys his visits with these interesting men whose lives have been turned around in prison by chaplains who are showing them the love of Jesus. As always, when he goes they offer him food & he graciously accepts as they sit & watch him eat it. Several months ago you may remember our story about maggots being in the rice. This time was a type of beef, bread, & salad. The problem, there had been no water in the prison for 2 days. You can imagine the lack of sanitation that went into the food preparation for those days. But as always, he prayed over the food & graciously accepted. You can see from the photo the look in the men's eyes as they watch for him to eat their food. In crossing into a new culture, so often they just want to see if you are willing to share & be like them. The prisons here are a culture all their own, but the need for acceptance remains the same. Thank you for helping us to be here to share not only in another culture, but also to invest in lives.

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