Tuesday, November 10, 2009

4 Eyes

Recently we have noticed Ian having a hard time reading. He was getting lots of headaches so we knew it was time to head to the eye doctor. I knew that after having 3 surgeries to have my kids & then the effects of aging... I was destined for a stronger prescription. The funny part came when Chris agreed to have his eyes checked as well. So the 3 of us went to the mall to a place kind of like Lens Crafters. Ian's eyes were checked & as expected, he would need glasses. My eyes were checked & my prescription was indeed increased. Then Chris's eyes were checked & he too got the news that he would need glasses for help reading & doing computer work & things of that nature. He couldn't believe it. On the brink of his 34th birthday, he was being given the gift of glasses... NOT a gift he wanted! I just laughed because I wondered how long he would be able to keep up with them before he loses them! (ha ha)
Ian selected a nice little green pair of frames that suit him quite nicely especially when coupled with his 2 missing front teeth! I found some new glasses & Chris finally settled for the ones you see here. I finally convinced him that of the 5 of us, 3 have glasses... at least he is in the majority! Besides, aren't people with glasses supposed to be seen as more intelligent?

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