Sunday, September 27, 2009

Speed the Light in Action!

We recently went to help with a children's ministry in the town of Pavia. This town is popular only for it's prostitution. A fellow minister here & his wife & children have felt God's call to pastor the children of this forgotten town. Since registering new churches is becoming more difficult in this government, they decided to begin a foundation known as "Fundación Abraza un Niño" (The Hug a Child Foundation) that ministers weekly to over 500 children & youth.
Only 10 minutes after our arrival the lights in the whole neighborhood went out. Thanks to Speed the Light, the missions giving ministry of the youth of the Assemblies of God that provides vehicles for missionaries, we were able to use our truck to shine light into this dark warehouse so that the ministry could continue. God is doing amazing things in Venezuela despite the attacks of the enemy. We are humbled to be a part of such amazing ministries as these and to be able to help speed the light to the next generation of Venezuelans. Attached is a short video clip that I put together so that we could share a glimpse of the evening.

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