Monday, March 12, 2012

The ABC's of Henry...

Well folks, today is a very important day in the world of our Venezuelan Family! We have been blessed with some very special people in our lives.  Several of them happen to work along side us in Venezuela.  Today is the birthday of one of those dear friends.  

Henry Medina is a fabulous friend who has been with our family through thick & thin.  Last year on March 9th, Chris was in a near fatal accident in Venezuela.  It has been a long year full of pain & joys, and even though we have been here in the states & our friends have remained in Venezuela, our hearts have always been together.  Henry has stood beside us throughout the journey & was even the one who accompanied me on the long trip to find my husband after the wreck. While in the hospital, he gave up the chance to spend his birthday at home with his family so he could stay & help make sure we were cared for.  (what a guy!)

He has asked me for months to do a blog about him on his birthday so I simply had to agree! So now a year has passed & the time has come.   So without making you wait any longer.... 

Here are the ABC's of Henry

A: Henry is simply "Awesome!"
B: He loves when I make "blondies" from my stash of goodies.
C: Nobody can pull of the nickname "Chocobo" quite like Henry!
D: He has been called "Delicious"... but that is just hear say! (Muahahahahaha)
E: He speaks English better than we do! (at least better than Chris, my English is fabulous! :)
F: He is a "Faithful Friend" & "Final Fantasy Fanatic"
G: He has been an amazing asset to the "Global University Venezuela team"
H: He is always so helpful, especially with our boys.
I: He is "independent" 
J: He enjoys "jokes" & making others smile.
K: He is "kind" & thoughtful.
L: He loves to "Laugh"
M:  He has the heart of a "missionary" & will do great things now & in future.
N: He loves the "Nelsons!" 
O: He is an eternal "optimist"
P: His prized possession is his "PSP"
Q: He is never afraid to ask "questions."
R:  He loves to "read" pretty much everything.
S: He loves to "sing" & is always humming something.
T: He is the "tallest" Venezuelan I have ever met!!!!!
U: He is a wonderful "Uncle" to our 3 boys.  They LOVE him!
V: One day he will have a "VISA" to the USA & we'll be able to show him our country.
W: When the time is right, God will send him the perfect "wife" & she will be blessed!
X: He is "X-tra Special", "X-tra Talented", & "X-tra loved by all who know you!"
Y: When in doubt "Youtube it!" Doesn't everybody?
Z: If he were a "zoo" animal I think he would be a "monkey!" 

Happy Birthday Henry! We love you.... See you soon!

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