Monday, December 13, 2010

Tales of the Photo Fairy.....

Families often experience lots of opportunities together.... times of adventure.... times of ups & downs.... but nothing compares to the experience of .... DRUM ROLL PLEASE>>>>> 

Family Photos!!!!!

I know, most of you can relive those moments even as you read this blog. 

The time when everyone cried.... the time when all the kids did was fight.... perhaps the time when your child had stains on his clothes that you had overlooked until you see the stain staring back at you in the photo! 

I generally LOVE to take photos of my kids & I like to edit them & make them look different.  What I don't like is that no one ever wakes up happy on picture day.  Everyone is crabby & aggravated.  It is like the "Photo Fairy" sneaks in at night & subliminally convinces everyone to be in a bad mood... except for Mom... she is generally so tired that she ignores the fairy all together!

I have many missionary friends that, like our family, find themselves taking LOTS of pictures for newsletters or websites, etc.  One recently said that she would rather have a root canal!  Another one said it was the worse stress EVER!  Yet, it is necessary & in the end.... we all enjoy looking back & seeing nice photos of our families.

Below are some of the photos from our recent "Photo Fiasco".... Because Jesus loves me, we got some great pictures.  Our dear friend, Henry, did an excellent job taking them.  I wish his subjects had been in a better mood.  (I think the "Photo Fairy" worked overtime the night before. ) 

We hope you enjoy them.  Hopefully in those time when your family photo sessions go CRAZY, you will remember our family.... maybe you will say a prayer.... maybe you will laugh.... but in the end, I hope you realize that where ever you find yourselves.... you are not alone!  The "Photo Fairy" is no respecter of persons.  She will find you anywhere & gets the most joy out of affecting the moods of small children & husbands.  (ha ha)  From what I figure, laughter is the only cure...

Us in the beginning of our fun day.... the dust from the Photo Fairy had started to kick in!

Fortunately the Photo Fairy had very little power over my always sweet.... Imanuel

Oh, these boys!  All of them......

Sometimes we are all just too cool for words!

This is my favorite!  Even when nobody wants to take pictures, you can't go wrong with a train!

This one has lots of stuff going on.   I bet you can feel the wind blowing through our hair... especially mine!

By this point we had all decided to move to different states & live alone forever! (ha) .... Well maybe just for a few weeks!

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