Saturday, November 19, 2011

The ABC's of Chris... Happy Birthday!

So, in an interest of maintaining my plan, I am going to tell you about another special part of the Nelson family! Today is Chris's birthday! He is not the big "birthday lover" like the rest of us. He would just assume go through the day as any other day. BUT, he married the wrong woman for that! And after the year we have all had, I consider every year to be even more of a blessing than ever before! 

So, without further ado... I will now introduce you to The ABC's of Chris Nelson!

A: Chris has always been very ADHD with am emphasis on the A & the H.
B: He has "black" hair that he wants to turn grey but NOT to fall out!
C: Coffee... Coffee... Coffee (no more needs to be said!)
D: He is a good "Dad" to our 3 active little boys.
E: He has always had lots of "Energy"... although after the bus, that energy has diminished.
F: He was sent to "Fight" in Iraq when 2 of our boys were babies.
G: He is a wonderful man of "God"
H: He has always been a "Hero"
I: He is one of the most "Independent" people I have ever met.
J: If all of his friends "Jumped" off of a cliff... I am pretty sure he wouldn't "Jump!"
K: He has a "Kind" heart
L: He will always arrive at the "Last" minute! Sometimes a few moments "Later!" (ha ha)
M: He loves being a "Missionary!"
N: He is always "Neat" & well groomed... he even irons his own clothes people!
O: He always has an interesting "Opinion" about anything
P: He has always been quite the "Philosopher"
Q: He is not a "Quitter!"
R: He sometimes like to be a bit of a "Rebel."
S: He is "Skilled" at many different tasks.
T: He loves "Technology!"
U: He is "Undefeated!" God's not finished with him yet! 
V: He has incredible "Vision"
W: He has the most fabulous "Wife" in the entire world! (I am not biased :)
X: His mind thinks just like an "x-cel" spread sheet!
Y: He thinks all Mexican food is "Yummy!"
Z: He's "Zealous" about ministry & the great things that God has planned for Venezuela!

Happy Birthday Christopher Nelson! We love you mucho!

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