What an insane month it has been!
craziness... madness I tell you... una locura
I know that I have been holding everyone in suspense for the past month.
Can it really have been an entire month since my last post?
What a terrible thought! One whole month without an update.
I promise I will do much better this month!
In an interest to properly update everyone of the craziness that has been our life, I am going to do 2 posts. #1 will be this post & will contain lots of cool photos. Post #2 however will be much deeper & share some of the harder things we are dealing with on our journey of missions. I hope you enjoy through the photos & remember to pray through the tough times.
So, let's get started..........
My last post told you amazing things about our sweet Ian turning 10! (still, unbelievable!)
But, I never showed anyone party pics! (definite #fail)
This is our friend, Frank Yu, preparing Chinese noodles in honor of the birthday boy! |
Here is our excited boy with his cupcakes & a very "sad" version of an Angry Birds cake. I am quite pleased that the flames of the candles are clouding your view of just how sad this cake looks! But my sweet Beefy was pleased & in the end... that is what mattered most! |
This is of course the picture of me with the proud birthday boy. I remember this little fellow being born 10 years earlier... where did the time go? |
And of course we needed a photo of the Big Boy with Dad too! |
This crazy photo is of our team of 6 that work along side us in everything we do here in Venezuela.
All in all... it was a quite successful party!
In other news... I would like to update all concerned parties on our "Rat infestation"
I can not seem to find the photo of my husband as he triumphantly held 2 dead rats up inside of a grocery bag but let me assure you that he was my hero! After WEEKS with no oven & these terrible rodents leaving messes in the kitchen, I was quite pleased in the early morning hours to find that both mice had made a new home in a Saran Wrap box inside of the roll. Needless to say, it didn't end well for the mice! But as for us... I have reclaimed my kitchen & Chris has restored my oven just in time for holiday cooking!
We celebrated Chris's 37th birthday with a Venezuelan Style "Parilla" or cook out as we would say in the states. The menu was filled with meat, yucca, fresh veggies, cake, & of course.... COFFEE!
Here is our house full of people celebrating Chris's special day!
We also celebrated Thanksgiving with our special friends as well. Isaiah was beyond thrilled to eat pumpkin pie & Cherry Cream Cheese pie made with ingredients that I have been saving since the summer when our teams came. We always have a special cabinet of goodies that we only use for special holidays!
Thanks to my husband & his "gracious hospitality" he invited 27 people! After I had an emotional melt down & was almost committed.... he "un-invited" his last minute 11! Oh, my husband....
Below is our precious Imanuel with his very famous & internationally known... TURKEY
His name really is just "Turkey"... he has been with us since Imanuel was 3 & was a gift from my Dad.
Finally, we completed the month with tons of people staying in our house eating my desserts, Chris teaching a week long class for the Venezuelan School of Missions, a wedding that Chris officiated, & wrapping 130 gifts that we will be taking to Caracas to bless our LACC school there next week.
November has definitely been a whirlwind!
I promise that I will post more regularly this month.
Thanks to everyone who reads our stories & prays for our family.
May you all be blessed this holiday season!
(Blog #2 will follow tomorrow... for now, my bed is calling my name :) |
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