Saturday, March 31, 2012

The ABC's of Isaiah...

Wow, it is absolutely crazy for me to believe that 11 years ago today I became a Mommie! I remember being in the hospital & after much unproductive labor, hearing that I would have a c-section.  I also remember the relief of realizing that I could be drugged while a doctor took the baby out.  That seemed quite wonderful to me after all I had been through.  At that point, I didn't care if the baby came out of my nose... as long as something happened soon! (ha)

I entered an operating room in the middle of the night when everyone would have preferred to be sleeping.  At 2:22 am I heard that it was a healthy little boy. I was incredibly drugged & sick because I had an allergic reaction to some of the medications.  I remember hearing that a baby was born that weighed 5 lbs.  I could not believe that my baby was that small since my wonderful doctor (Dr. Carlson) has predicted at least a 7 lb. baby.  I questioned him, "Whose baby was that small?" He said, "Yours was! Yep, I didn't see that one coming... we get surprised everyday!" 

We took Isaiah home on April 2 & it was so cold it was snowing! We stopped briefly at Family Fitness in Reidsville since the day Isaiah was born, my Dad signed papers as the new owner of the gym! It was quite an eventful weekend for our family! 

Who could have ever imagined that such a tiny little baby could now be 11 & be doing such extraordinary things! We are blessed to have Isaiah in our lives.  He is a treasure to us all.  To conclude the ABC celebration of our family that I started back months ago on each of our birthdays... I will now give you.....

The ABC's of Isaiah

A: He is a pretty "Awesome" kid!
B: He is a good "Big Brother." And his favorite adjective to use is "Burly"
C: His "creativity" comes in drawing & making things with his hands.
D: I always tell him he is my "Drama" but he doesn't agree! (ha)
E: He is very "Ethical" & Analytical. He has to rationalize.
F: He LOVES to try new "foods" which is perfect for a Missionary Kid.
G: He is generally much more "Grown up" than most kids his age.  He has always enjoyed an older crowd.
H: He likes to be "helpful" especially to people older than he is.
I: His favorite "instrument" in the world is DRUMS!
J: He enjoys telling "jokes" but has to practice since that skill is not as natural for him as for his brothers.
K: He is "kind" & compassionate to most everyone... (brothers not included!) *smile*
L: He enjoys "learning" about new things... new languages, new cultures, new experiences
M: He loves anything "musical"... Drums, singing, dramas, etc.
N: He "notices" everything & misses "nothing!"
O: He has an "outrageous" sense of humor!
P: He thrives from being with "People." 
Q: He always has a million "questions" about pretty much EVERYTHING!"
R: I am often told that he is the most "respectful" boy! (It makes a mama proud)
S: He enjoys speaking "Spanish" & does a great job at it!
T: He is "tender-hearted"
U: He is "understanding"
V: He misses "Venezuela" & looks forward to returning in June!
W: He enjoys "working out" at his Papa's gym.
X: He is "X-traordinary"
Y: He is a "young" person with an old soul.
Z: If he were a "zoo" animal I think he would be a Duck Billed Platypus! (I have always told him that when he would pout & pooch his lips out.) He on the other hand would see himself as a Gorilla!

Happy 11th Birthday Isaiah! We love you!

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