Thursday, October 7, 2010

3-2-1-BLAST OFF...........

Sometimes our homeschool days are filled with reading, math & prepositional phrases, but there are other days where we have a bit more fun.  Today we used a book I have to practice drawing & used tracing paper to make comic book characters.  We also did some fun reading, listened to Christmas music, & made rockets that we had seen in our reading books.  Imanuel practiced writing his numbers & the letters that he has learned so far as well as drew & created.  He has quite the imagination.  I couldn't help but show a picture of him with his rocket.  He was so proud of his new toy.  He will play with this simple rocket for hours... that's one of the simple things I love about Imanuel.  He is so easily pleased & he knows how to enjoy the simple pleasures in life.  I pray that he always possesses such a sweet passion for life & a limitless imagination.  There are always so many things that we can learn from our children.  And just for those of you that are wondering... Those striped Christmas pants & that Sponge Bob pajama shirt are destined to be the next big fashion rage!

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